Branding concepts that are not driven by the marketplace are going to go nowhere. Subbranding, masterbranding, and megabranding are not customer-driven concepts. They have no meaning in the minds of most consumers. Think simple. Think like a customer and your brand will become more successful.

What branding builds, subbranding can destroy.
Typical line-extension strategies would have produced brand names like Holiday Inn Deluxe, Cadillac Light, Budget Waterford, and Kasual Karan. Even the most callow marketing people would have found these brand names difficult to swallow. What to do? Invent a subbrand. So we have Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, Cadillac Catera, Marquis by Waterford, and DKNY. Now we can have our cake and eat it, too. We can use our wellknown core brand at the same time as we launch secondary or subbrands to move into new territory.
But what sounds right in the boardroom often doesn’t make sense in the marketplace.