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(sport doucmentary/8 EPisodes/2024)


The story exposes the immense journey of the Bulgarian Rhythmic Gymnastic Team in their attempt to win the Olympic Gold in Tokyo.


Directed and Edited

by Andrey Andonov


Fiction Films

Fiction Films




A police inspector frames an innocent boy as terrorist, but is later forced to conspire with his victim as both create an intricate web of lies to steal money from the incompetent government bodies.


Directed and Co-Edited

by Andrey Andonov





A young woman experiences the most remarkable change in her life but loses everything she has valued.


NoOne is a film about human struggle for wholeness set in Rhodope Mountains.


In 2017 the movie was acquired by HBO and in 2019 the full movie was uploaded for free in youtube and until now it has more than

26 000 0000 views.


Directed, Co-Written, Co-Produced, Co-Filmed

and Edited by Andrey Andonov

documentaRy Films

Bai Oncho

(brand film/ 4min/2019)


Bai Oncho(70) is an ordinary man with an extraordinary achievement. He is like you and me, but with one distinctive difference: He has spent his entire life, working only for one company - Shumensko(Shumen). He represents what dedication, commitment and discipline really mean.


He is a living legend who he has found the meaning of life in working for Shumensko.


Directed, Written, Produced

and Edited by Andrey Andonov

Who Is No One

(documentary/ 82 min/2017)


The story follows Andrey Andonov(30), an upcoming filmmkaer and  Yavor Vesselinov(37) a vet doctor, in their crazy adventure to make an independent feature film in Bulgaria during the summer of 2014 while the biggest private bank bankrupts. 


Andrey Andonov co- Produced and is starring in the documentary

which is Co-Produced, Directed and Edited

by Peppe George and Vasil goranov

yes me can

(documentary/ 35 min/2014)


Stoyan is a street musician with the incredible mission to make  Bulgarian traditional folk music great again.


Directed, Written, Shot, Produced

and Edited by Andrey Andonov.


music videos

V:rgo - la la la

(short film/ 4 min/2018)


Vrgo is driving his alter egos to the hell.


Directed, Written, Shot, Produced

and Edited by Andrey Andonov

Emelina Gorcheva - Awakening

(short film/ 5 min/2017)


A track from the NoOne's soundtrack composed by Emelina Gorcheva.

Music Composer - Emelina Gorcheva
Music Designer - Pavel Stoychev
Flute/Male Vocal - Veselin Mitev
Guitar - Krasimir Zafirov
Piano/Vocal - Emelina Gorcheva


Directed, Written, Shot, Produced

and Edited by Andrey Andonov

Muic Videos



Showreels 2018

if you want to win new customers and create

iconic brands

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