The best customer acquisition strategies start with studying the behavior of your audience, find out what desire and need has the market and then create and deliver a solution for this problem.

"People don't buy things, they buy emotional and meaningful STORIES(experience) in form of benefits and advantages, packaged in products and services." - The Art of Creative Business Story$elling by Andrey Andonov
Customer acquisition is one of the most important strategies your brand will adopt. While there are many ways to generate traffic and leads, if you are not turning those leads into paying customers your entire business is going to suffer.
#1. Create a Remarkable Product or Service
Find a market niche inside a sub-market of a market and create a remarkable product or service which provides solutions to a real problem.
For example my Market is Wealth with its Sub-market Business Communication - Sales and Marketing.
I created a new niche - a new opportunity which is a service using the Creative Business Storytelling to Produce Brand Films and Series.
My solution solves the problem of losing clients and not attracting new ones by helping the companies to win new clients and satisfy the current ones.
#2. Convert
Definition of convert
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a : to bring over from one belief, view, or party to another b : to bring about a religious conversion in
c: to change from one form or function to another
The easiest, most efficient and profitable way to convert people from cold, not interesting and unaware of your brand audience into your hottest buyers and followers is by using the art of creative business storytelling.
If storytelling is the key to create and shift belief and suspend disbelief, so the art of creative business storytelling is the key to create and shift your customer believes.
#3. Find out Who are Your Dream Buyers
When you realize who are these people, you will know everything about them. You will know what are their dreams, desires, obsessions, fears, pains and anxieties.
You will know who they follow, where and how they spend their time, how they communicate, what words and expressions they use, what questions they ask. What background they have.
Simply said - You will know in details everything about your characters.
And when you know your customers that well, then you will be ready to place them in the center of your stories sand storytelling.
#4. Create and Deliver a High Value Free Creative Business Storytelling Content(HVFCBSC)
Invest in producing high quality(in terms of creative and technical value) storified content which must tap straight into the pains, fears, dreams and desires of your Dream Buyers.
The best way is to invest in Producing Brand Films and Web Series which you can distribute through all of the available social media channels, but also you can use Tv, Radio, Press, and ambient advertising.
Put your dream buyers as heroes of your stories.
Dramatize their transformational journey.
Show how your product or service can help them achieve everything what they desire.
#5. Convert = Conversation
When you have done everything correct, your HVFCBSC will grab your leads' attention, hold it through suspense, create desire and motivate them for action.
Your HVFCBSC will boil your cold audience to a state in which they will be begging for your product and services.
Then you must engage with your extremely hot leads in a simple human conversation.
You don't sell. Even a single notion of selling, bragging and promising will destroy the magic.
Do not abuse your new customers' desires. Ask questions and find out whether you can really help them get what they really want to achieve.
If you are not a great match, then you must let them now that they shouldn't buy from you.
But if you can solve their problems and provide products and services which will improve and help your customers grow and transform their lives for better, just do your great customers service and they will buy from you with joy and pleasure.
They will buy and they will come back to beg for more.
They will buy and they will be your biggest sellers, ambassadors, followers and disciples.
#6. Few Tactics to Use in Order To Boost your Conversion Rate
Customer acquisition is one of the most important strategies your business will create.
A good customer acquisition strategy starts with a good product and knowing who your ideal customers are.
To get customers you first have to get leads, but these leads should not all be treated the same.
Categorize your leads based on their willingness and readiness to buy (consider a sliding scale from 1-3) from cold - warm - hot
Retarget your top hot leads and don’t be afraid to persist in order to get the sale- research shows that retargeting works
Nurture your leads that are not ready to buy with HVFCBSC, as this will definitely pay off for your business in the long run.
Don’t forget to also nurture and retarget existing customers as they are 60-70 percent more likely to buy from you again
Be sure that you keep your budget in mind every step of the way, there is no point gaining customers if you are making a loss
Give your customer acquisition strategy time to take effect, don’t be hasty to give it up if you don’t see the results you are looking for straight away
Monitor your metrics every step of the way as this is going to help you improve your performance and strategies every single time
While all customer acquisition strategies are going to be slightly different depending on your business and branding, there are some golden rules that you need to observe and some common mistakes that you also need to look out for.
But if you decide to be remarkable from the beginning you must stay remarkable to the end.
Use creative business storytelling to produce High Value Free Creative Business Storytelling Content - Brand Films and Series in order to create and deliver a remarkable, meaningful and emotional experience about your product and services to your prospects.
And never forget :
The Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself