CINEMA is working for the first time after 16 years in Rudozem.

As I said at the beginning of this book, my first cinema experience happened at the cinema theater of Rudozem, the same place where we shot NoOne. I watched for the first time a film on a big screen. It was KING KONG. I remember the last screening of a feature length film in this same theater around 16 years ago. I was at high school in my last grade when there was a screening of the movie “I know what you did last summer”. This was the last film screened through the film projector in this lovely cinema. There was no more business and reason doing it. They shut down the cinema and start using the theater only for guest Theaters.
On 14th of August 2016 was the town holiday. We decided with the mayor of Rudozem Rumen Pehlivanov that it would be a great idea to project NoOne for the people of Rudozem. We organized the screening and for the first time since 16 years the theater was screening a feature length film. We sold out the tickets for the first screening from 20:00 and because of the great interest we made another projection immediately after the first one at 10pm. We sold out this one too. The tickets were not expansive but I guess it was something like an event by itself. There was this magical feeling of union and community. People were coming by to say a few words, to express their opinion, but most of the people always after the screening of NoOne choose to stay calm, and to deal alone with their reactions and feeling about the film.
It was a great feeling and I may say a great success to see so many people eager to see the film, moreover shot at locations which they know very well but which they will see for the first time from that perspective and angle. So we had 400 people watching the film that night. Cinema was alive, its magic was bringing people together, it was a real holiday, a real joy.