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If You Want to Raise Your Value You Must Know These Psychological Principles
People are motivated to act mostly by two emotions.
Importance and Insecurity
The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.
The Importance of Being Important and how Insecurity is the basic law of existence
All creative writing, from its very beginning, grows from the root of the importance of being important.
Desire is a mild word for the strongest motivation there is. Self-preservation is the second.
Even if we make a mistake, it is really not our fault; we rationalize until we’ve convinced ourselves that the blame must fall on the other person.
Why must we always be blameless and right? Because we are terribly insecure.
You cannot create a three-dimensional character without knowing why your characters do what they do.
Motivation is endless, but it can be simplified if you accept the concept that insecurity is one of the most important and complex of all human emotions and conflicts.
Insecurity is the basic law of existence. All human emotions, good or evil, without exception, spring from this one eternal source. Without insecurity, there would be no progress; life would stand still. All
cowardice or heroism, all human sacrifice happen because the authors of these deeds wish to annihilate the eternal, indestructible menace of our life – insecurity.
Importance is the first defense against insecurity. Great humility makes one important. So does great
A candidate for suicide must have more than one reason to believe that all the claims holding him to life are gone forever. He dies because he cannot be important any more. There are many reasons, one stacked upon another, and then the last straw that dashes the person into utter hopelessness.
No one is wholly satisfied with herself. Therefore, we are all looking for some kind of compensation. The differences between people lie in the severity of their own shortcomings. The degree of satisfaction with ourselves is determined by our physical make-up and our immediate environment.
Hypersensitivity to the slightest disapproval usually springs from a weak body with a low physical resistance.
People constantly look for an outlet for their talents. They want to succeed, better themselves, to be
noticed – to be important. Great ambition is usually a compensation for some deficiency in the person.
Insecurity hides in the most impossible places. The importance of being important is to hide fear, the
child of insecurity, and mother of all human emotions.
Fear is always humiliating, for it shows naked insecurity. To show insecurity is to strip a person of his
dignity. What is dignity? A camouflage for importance. To strip one of dignity, expose their insecurity, is to court abuse. Such a character, stripped and exposed, to cover his lost importance, starts to holler, to challenge, to accuse, to abuse, to show even bravery or viciousness when, in reality, he is frightened to Death.