Nobody likes to be sold but everybody loves to buy

#1. Create High Value Free Content
You use a HVFCOntent to appeal to the largest percentage of your market and collected their contact details via our opt-in page, you now have the ability to follow up and nurture these prospects via email and make them offers (that is where the majority of the sales will be made).
Free consultations
Cheat sheets
Video course
Live demo
Email course
Physical product
Swipe file Infographic
Custom pricing
White paper
Industry statistics
Case study
‘How-to’ guide PDF download
E Course
Phone call
#2. Use Creative Business Storytelling
The valuable information you’re offering here called a High-Value Free Content (HVFC), and it draws leads to you like moths to a flame.
However, in order for your content to be engaging and worth your customers time you must apply dramatization and storytelling.
People don't buy things and don't like to be taught.
People buy stories and like to learn while being entertained and having fun.
Go Big With Branding
One of the easiest ways to stand out from the crowd is to create video content. Video content is not only visually appealing but it can help to showcase your brand’s products and services in a whole new light.
Videos also engage the senses, which means that your marketing message automatically drives more impact and allows your audience to see your products and services in a whole new light.
Videos also allow your audience a more personal insight into your brand, which can go along way when it comes to making your brand stand out against another.
#3. Use Proven E-commerce Tactics
You Can Try these Ecommerce: 20 Tactics
Being a successful e-commerse business doesn’t involve following a uniform strategy — it’s actually the opposite.
The tactics that fail for one business may work wonderfully for another company, so you have to experiment with different methods to see which are best for increasing your sales.
The trick is to move quickly and iterate constantly. Don’t just aimlessly try new growth hacking tactics after one strategy doesn’t work — think about why your previous method failed, and use that insight to choose your next move. With fast, informed growth hacking, you’ll quickly find the best ways to scale your business and increase your sales.
A small hint
If there is a problem it is always in the quality of your content and message.
Invest your time and resources to find out who are your customers, what they want and hate, what they are scared from and where is their pain.
And then provide the solution. Communicate your medicine in a storified content and you will win them.